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Tuyang Technology has obtained tens of millions of A+ rounds of financing to further promote the large-scale application of 3D vision
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[Article/Liao Wenqing] From the financing changes of several "tuyere" in recent years, the popularity of vision continues, with the amount and quantity of financing increasing year by year, and the popularity is expected to continue in 2020.

Recently, Shanghai Tuyang Information Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Tuyang Technology") announced the acquisition of tens of millions of A+ round of financing led by Panlin Capital, which is mainly used for the expansion of domestic and foreign market channels and customer service resources. Prior to this, Tuyang technology has received many well-known investment institutions investment.

Founded in 2015, Tuyang Technology is an enterprise specializing in providing 3D computer vision equipment and technical solutions. Its technological innovation comes from its independent research and development of active binocular technology, through the superposition of "structured light + binocular camera" technology method to realize the calculation of depth of field.

The main team of Tuyang Technology comes from Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Huawei, Microsoft, ARM and other institutions. Its founder, Fei Zheping, graduated from Fudan University and is the first employee of ARM China. With the underlying technology development capabilities and strong engineering capabilities, figure of mine has provided hundreds of domestic enterprises of science and technology products and services, including ABB, jingdong, new beiyang, motion, rookie, South Korea, such as postal grinding integrator ecosystem culture, scene, technology accumulation had the obvious first mover advantage and higher barriers.

In zhejiang flat, 2 d and 3 d visual on the industrial chain is the same, both the visual core parts suppliers, there is also a visual system integrators and terminal application, figure of mine science and technology to provide a visual core parts, to develop camera hardware foundation, directly to cooperate with each big quality integrators, flexible service in various industries.

In the past two years, machine vision as a key component of robot intelligence improvement has attracted industry attention. At present, China's machine vision market is in the initial stage of development, with small scale and large application space. The number of enterprises grows rapidly, and the number of new enterprises increases year by year, uneven. GGII data shows that nearly 200 international machine vision brands have entered China, while China's own machine vision brands have exceeded 100, and the midstream system integration and machine equipment suppliers involving machine vision nearly 150.

However, Tuyang Technology has formed a positive cycle of leading industry with its unique technology path solution suitable for Chinese enterprises' customer characteristics, that is, large customer base, multiple scenarios, full practice feedback, leading parameter energy consumption and outstanding product capabilities.

"Tuyang's team and research and development have already established a good foundation, and the business revenue is growing rapidly. In the future, we will provide better support to more customers and partners, achieve rapid growth in application scope and market coverage, and further promote the vision of '3D machine vision everywhere'." Fei Zheping said, "The focus of this financing is to expand the market, expand more market channels and more application coverage, in fact, more marketing and sales and technical support personnel; In addition, more industry software packages are developed on standardized hardware to meet more target industry application needs, thus reaching a wider customer base."

Providing a path to the core components of machine vision also means that volume is key to rapid growth. In order to solve the difficulties in 3 d vision scale popularization, the figure of mine has been achieved in some vertical industry applications of science and technology "standardized industry-specific application standard solution", in the same application market of copy promotion has been achieved, but cross-industry or under different application requirements, development and engineering still landing cost is very high, The next goal of Tuyang technology is to refine and realize the standardization and tool of the secondary development platform, hoping to achieve a breakthrough in 2-3 years to help customers and partners develop new application scenarios to lower the threshold.

Li Yuhui, founding managing partner of Panlin Capital, said: "Machine vision builds the basic perception and data entry to facilitate the digital innovation of various industries, which is highly consistent with panlin Capital's investment direction of enterprise-level services for intelligent transformation of the consumer supply side.

GGII believes that the joining of many emerging manufacturers will accelerate the localization process of 3D vision, and the price is expected to continue to decrease with technological progress. The market space is vast, and various manufacturers compete in different fields and scenarios, such as positioning, sorting, measurement, detection, etc., and the application scenarios continue to expand.

Article source: Gaogong Robot network

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